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How to Choose the Best E-Liquid for You? - Vape Direct How to Choose the Best E-Liquid for You? - Vape Direct > How to Choose the Best E-Liquid for You? - Vape Direct

How to Choose the Best E-Liquid for You?

There’s more to buying vape juice than you might think. Here are some pointers to make sure you pick a good one.

We can’t categorically say that X is the best e-liquid. For a start, there are too many choices on the market to pick one single vape juice. It’s as impossible a choice as trying to pick your favourite song. Secondly, picking a ‘best’ e-liquid would be unfair to the wonderful brands we sell here at Vape Direct. Brands such as Deranged, OhmBrew, and Elements.

What we can do, though, is guide you towards the right choice in E-liquid for you. We can’t pick one off the shelf and recommend it to you unless you drop into our Stacey Bushes or Milton Keynes stores, but we can point you in the right direction for vaping happiness. Use the guide below to help you decide which vape juice to try next. Go on, live a little. There’s more to vape juice than plain old tobacco flavour.

What’s in Vape Juice?

We covered the primary ingredients in vape juice in another article but let’s do a quick recap for those who are just joining us. Vape juice contains water, nicotine, Glycerine or Glycol to give that syrupy consistency and avoid evaporation, and flavourings. We also already know that the dessert and fruity flavourings have the most chemical composition. Remember, these are just flavourings. Many of the flavours used in vape juices come from the food industry, so you ingest them anyway during your daily life.

Vape juice is substantially less harmful than tobacco, making vaping a good way to quit smoking. However, it does still contain nicotine. This is a good starting point for deciding which vape juice is best for you. To nicotine or not to nicotine: that is the question.

Do you get Nicotine-Free Vape Juice?

You do get nicotine free vape juice. If you have never used a vaping device before and you want to try it, try it without the nicotine. If you’re not already addicted, there’s no point in starting now. Nicotine free vape juices have all the flavour and experience of the vape pen, but without the addiction.

How Do You Pick the Right Nicotine Strength for E-Juices?

As we mentioned above, if you haven’t vaped or smoked before, a nicotine-free juice is a wonderful place to start.

If you have been vaping for a while and you want to get serious about it, a low strength nicotine vape juice will be best. Vape juice in the UK only goes up to 20mg/10ml bottle. If you are stepping up your vaping game from nicotine-free, a 2mg, 4mg, or 5mg will do.

If you have been vaping for longer than 6 months or if you smoked less than 10 a day and want to switch, aim for those 6mg-10mg figures.

If you are an experienced vaper who wants to keep chasing the nicotine hit, keep increasing your level by one mg.

If you smoked between 10-20 cigarettes a day, aim for between 10-15mg nicotine strength vape juices.

If you smoked over 20 a day, start over 15mg. The more you smoked, the closer to 20 you will need.

Does Switching to Vaping from Smoking Influence Vape Juice Choice?

Yes, it does. When you first make the switch, you will still crave cigarettes. To treat this craving, opt for a tobacco flavour of vape juice. Tobacco is the most popular vape juice flavour because it so closely resembles smoking.

We recommend switching entirely to your vape device using a tobacco flavoured juice. Later, when you have your cigarette addiction under control, start experimenting with the flavour range. Since you have quit cigarettes, you will notice that your taste buds change. Your vaping experience should keep improving for some time after you quit smoking.

Flavour Recommendations for New Vapers

If you are new to the world of vaping and you have never smoked, you are in the best position to try the full range of flavours. Your tastebuds are undamaged, you may choose not to use nicotine, and you can sample any flavour you like. Here are our recommendations for the flavours that may or may not suit you.

If you have a Sweet Tooth

If you have a sweet tooth, try the dessert options. There are vape juices designed after popular cakes, biscuits, and even sweets. New vapers with a sweet tooth will be happy to know that vaping the flavour of a dessert doesn’t come with the calories.

If you love Fruit

If you love fruit flavours, there are all manner of fruits to choose from. Grape and banana vape juices are particularly popular, but the selection doesn’t end there. Have orange, apple, blueberry, raspberry, melon, pineapple, or anything else you fancy.

If you love Mint

For all you ex-smokers out there, try a menthol or minty vape juice. When you smoke, mint tastes odd. When you quit smoking, mint tastes heavenly. Try it once your tastebuds recover. Menthol vapes are handy for a blocked nose while mint vapes make you smell fresh.


There are even vape juices that mix up all of the above into one taste. Heisenberger, for example, has a fruity and minty taste. Some vape juices have names like Blizzard or Storm, and all you can do is guess. We recommend messing about with mixes only when you gain enough experience in vaping enough to know what you like.

Bitter Flavours

Not everyone has a sweet tooth so you’ll be glad to know there are bitter flavours available. Coffee, tobacco, and nutty flavours are all popular among those that like a savoury taste. Again, you get the taste without the calories.

Where to Buy Vape Juice Online?

You can pick up a fresh vape juice bottle or check out best vape liquids on our website. We offer a same day delivery service for those in the Milton Keynes area, if you order before 3pm. Need further advice? Pop into the stores and visit us. We’re always happy to meet a new face.

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