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How Long does E-Juice Last?

Does vape liquid go out of date? We investigate how long you should keep it before you chuck it, below.

Vape juice has a shelf life. You might not think it does, since the glycol and glycerine used to make the e-juices are long lasting chemicals. However, nobody wants a vaping experience that tastes only of those two chemicals, and sadly that’s what happens when we don’t update our e-juice supply. The flavours and scents go stale, so we get a thoroughly dissatisfying vaping experience.

This problem has an easy fix, of course. If you want to avoid smoking dull, bland compounds that taste a little bitter, then go ahead. On the other hand, once the colour, flavour, and texture of a vape liquid starts to disintegrate, you know it’s time to start fresh. Changes in colour and texture mean the chemicals are breaking down. Nobody really knowns how your vape device will react to thick, gloopy juice. We advise against it.

Here is some more sound advice about how long your vape juice lasts and how to spot a bad bottle. It might save you flooding your coil one day. With more than 3.6 million people now choosing to vape over smoking, it’s our responsibility to educate the masses.

What is the Shelf Life of E-Juices?

The typical shelf life for e-liquid is 18 months to 2 years. We would suggest you do not keep it or use it after the 18 month period to err on the side of caution. Although nicotine has no known shelf life, and VG and PG base ingredients last up to 2 years, the flavouring will not last this long. All this assumes that the e-liquid bottle is unopened after 2 years. If you have previously opened the bottle, you may find it has no scent left.

Studies put the actual shelf life of glycerine products at 24 months if they are stored in the correct way and at the correct temperature.

A good indication of whether you can use a vape juice at the 18 month mark, is if you smell it and you can still smell the flavouring. Here are a few points you can check to make sure your old yet unopened bottle of e-liquid is usable:

  • Has the colour changed? If so, discard the bottle.
  • Has the liquid separated into distinctive layers? If so, discard the bottle.
  • Is it cloudy, thick, gloopy, or has the texture changed? If so, it is unusable.
  • Does it appear to have something floating in it? Do not use it.

If all the above checks tell you that the vape juice is OK to use, then test a little before you fill your tank completely. This minimizes the risk that you will flood anything or get old juice in the mouthpiece.

How Much E-Liquid Should I Purchase at a Time?

How much e-liquid you buy in one go depends on how often you use your vape. It also depends on the type of vape you use.

If you use a sub-ohm device, these are general strongest. They produce the most vapour. A heavy user that has one of these devices might use as much as a full 10 ml bottle in a day. A light user with one of these devices could make that same bottle last three times as long.

If you use a pod vape device, it is hard to tell what the equivalent of this would be. This is because each type of pod vape device has a smaller size of cartridge. The Juul pod, for example, has 0.7 ml per pod, while the SMOK pod system holds 2ml. The pod device produces less vapour and has less wattage. Ex-smokers and those who like the hit of nicotine in the back of the throat prefer these, while Sub-ohm devices go directly to your lungs. Therefore, a heavy vape user might go through 3 vape pods per day.

If you are purchasing e-liquid for the full month, we suggest buying bulk vape juice packs to save cash. When you choose to shop with Vape Direct, you can try new e-liquid flavours with minimal cost.

Vaping and Nicotine Levels

There are many distinct levels of nicotine in vape juices, which is measured in mg. The UK Government restricts the sale of nicotine products that have a strength higher than 20 mg/ml. They also regulate the size of bottles. They similarly restrict tank sizes to 2 ml at a time.

Do you get Nicotine Free Vape Juice?

You do get nicotine free vape juice. Since no-nicotine e-liquid does not contain nicotine, it is not subject to the same rules as the others are. You can buy this in a much larger bottle size as a result.

The most popular e-liquid right now comes in all strengths of nicotine. The only flavours that do not are those expressly made to be nicotine free. If you do not like to use nicotine, there are products available aimed specifically at you. There is nicotine free vape juices, but you may also wish to try Nic salts, instead.

What are Nic Salts?

Nic salts satisfy smokers with a lower nicotine content. Nic salts will curb your craving for longer when you need to go a long time without vaping. They target ex-smokers trying to quit using a vape device instead of NRT. However, experienced vapers will use Nic salts when they are long-distance travelling or in meetings all day.

What is a low, medium, and high, strength of nicotine?

A low strength nicotine would be from 1 mg to 7 mg. A medium strength is best for experienced vapers or former smokers, and ranges from 8 mg up to 13 mg. Anything above this is a high strength of vape juice. Experienced vapers and ex-smokers with a heavy habit should try the stronger nicotine level for a more satisfying hit.

What strength of nicotine should I use in my Vape Juice?

If you are a mild vaper, keep to a light strength. If you vape daily but not heavily, stick to a medium, and if you vape heavily every day, opt for a higher strength. It is important to take other factors into consideration, too.

Other Factors That Affect E-Juice Consumption

The strength of nicotine you will need for your vape device does not just depend on how much you vape. You must consider the length of time you have been vaping for, among other factors.

How long have you been vaping for?

If you want to use it every day and heavily, you cannot just jump in at a 20 mg vape juice. Though it might entertain your friends to see you try it, this will be too strong and make you cough. Coughing ruins your vaping experience, so start small and build up.

How much did you smoke a day if you are an ex-smoker?

If you smoked and are using a vape device to ease off cigarettes, use how many cigarettes you smoked per day as a guide to the strength of nicotine you will need in your e-liquid. A light smoker – that is less than 10 per day – can use 6-10 mg nicotine strengths with some satisfaction. A moderate smoker – that is between 10-20 cigarettes per day – should try a vape liquid that is between 10-15 mg. If you were a heavy smoker, smoking over 20 cigarettes per day, you should use a strong e-liquid that is over 15 mg in nicotine strength.

Device Type

As we mentioned above, the sub-ohm, direct to lung vaping systems shoot a burst of vapour straight into the lungs. Experienced, heavy vapers use these. Because of the vast amounts of steam produced, these devices go through the most liquid. Pod vapes will help you use less, while an open tank mouth to lung vape device will use more than a pod.

Storage Instructions for Vape Juice

Do not store your vape juice in direct sunlight. Keep it in a cool, dark, dry place. You should not refrigerate your vape juices as this gives your device more work to do in the heating process. Instead, a bathroom cabinet or kitchen cupboard will do. You should not store them alongside food.

Conclusion: How Much Vape Juice to Buy for a Week?

If you are a light vape user, not every day but at the weekends, you will use 1-2 bottles per week.

If you are a moderate vaper, who uses your vape device every day but not excessively, aim for 3-4 bottles per week.

If you are a heavy user and you use your vape pen every day, you can use up to 7 bottles per week.

Keep in mind this is only a rough guide and that all the factors listed above will come into play. We therefore advise that you start off with two bottles, monitor how long they last you for, and work out what you will need on an ongoing basis from there.

Don’t forget we offer same day delivery on orders placed before 3 pm in Milton Keynes and Bucking. That way, if you do run out, you won’t be left hanging for long.

Previous article How do you Choose a New E-Liquid?

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